Crafts & Hobbies
You’d be amazed at just how interested fairgoers are to see your work
Collectibles & Treasures
Collectibles are items that people enjoy collecting as a hobby. Treasures are items that have special meaning for the owner, either because they are handed down in the family, a rare find, or simply have great value to the owner. Both are priceless in our book!
If you spend all year crafting works of art like ceramic cups, coiled pine baskets, or cosplay – it’s finally time to showcase your hard work in Columbia Hall.
Paper Arts
Calling all scrapbookers and origami artists alike! If paper art projects are your passion, get your glue sticks and scissors out for one of our competitions.
Kids Crafts
If your pint-sized Picasso wants to show off their latest creations, our Kid Craft Competition is the place for them to dazzle us with their imagination. Whether they need a little help crafting or they're woodworking on their own, everyone 17 years old and younger is welcome to enter their work!
Take this opportunity to share your voice at The Oregon State Fair - verse by verse. Last year’s first-place winners included a free verse about a dragon king and a rhymed poem about a cricket - share your words with us for a chance to be recognized!
Pick-up entries: (the same location used for drop off)
Tuesday, September 3, 2:00pm to 7:00pm
Wednesday, September 4, 10:00am to 2:00pm