Natural resources
Nature has a home at the Oregon State Fair.
Keep Oregon Green
The Keep Oregon Green Association is helping us stay safe by keeping us informed! Their newly renovated booth is complete with fire-resistant materials like Hardie plank siding, a metal roof, double-paned windows, and a fire-rated man door, demonstrating what a hardened home looks like.
Displays will demonstrate how to prevent human-caused wildfires, and have fun activities for everyone! Keep Oregon Green will be there every day of the Fair, from 11 am-6 pm every day.
Oregon Department of Forestry
- Identifying the Emerald Ash Borer, the little green beetle posing a very big threat to Oregon ash trees. See the real thing, spot the imposters, earn a temporary beetle tattoo;
- Harvesting healthy seeds to grow healthy trees in Oregon forests after fire. Pick up a free packet of Douglas Fir tree seeds (while supplies last) so you can grow your own Oregon State Tree;
- Decorating wooden tree cookies and playing games to earn prizes.
Oregon State Fire Marshal
The Oregon State Fire Marshal will be at the Natural Resource Area to talk about all things fire prevention – inside and outside your home. OSFM staff will be on hand to show you some fire prevention tips for your house, what defensible space is, and give you a tour of the fire-resistant plant garden.
Be on the lookout for Bigfoot, who might just make an appearance at the Natural Resource Area. Plus, this year, we’ll have a photo booth where visitors can take and share pictures on social media or print at home!
OSFM will be here every day of the Fair, from 11 am – 6 pm.
ODA Noxious Weed and Insect Programs:
Monday August 26 – Friday September 30, 10am-4pm
The Oregon Department of Agriculture will be at the Oregon State Fair on August 28 thru September 1, with the ODA Noxious Weed, Insect and Hemp Programs.
Come see the Invasive Species Education Station Trailer to learn more about invasive species of Oregon, and hemp. Play games and learn ways you can stop invasives in their tracks.
Native Plant Conservation Program
The Oregon Department of Agriculture’s Native Plant Conservation Program oversees the conservation and management of Oregon’s listed plant species.
- Assists federal, state, and local government agencies with the management of state protected plant populations found on their land, including consultations for impacts to listed species and development of management plans and conservation programs
- Issues permits for scientific research and habitat restoration projects involving listed plants
- Conducts research to enhance protected plant species recovery efforts
- Periodically reviews listed species and candidate species for potential reclassification, removal, or addition to the State’s list of threatened and endangered plants
The NPCP is involved in many conservation projects throughout the state, and assists land managers with listed plant species on their properties and works to support recovery goals for Oregon’s listed species